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EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute and is a way of training in short, repetitive bursts of (typically) high intensity. EMOM is a very effective way for people that train to a) build muscle and b) pick up new techniques.

The principle of EMOM is this:

At the start of every minute you perform an exercise at a dedicated weight.

When you have performed said exercises, rest for the remainder of that minute. The quicker you perform the reps the more rest you will get – do not sacrifice time under tension (muscle stimulus) and form for measly bits of rest!

For example:

5 PERFECTLY FORMED pull ups EMOM for 10 minutes,


perform 5 pull ups and rest for the remainder of minute 1

perform 5 pull ups and rest for the remainder of minute 2

and so on until 50 pull ups have been performed over 10 minutes.


The greatest benefit of this in my opinion is that beginners/intermediates (especially when performing a complex or new move such as a dead-lift) get the opportunity to set up for the lift time and time again. This helps muscle memory endlessly! The continuous need to reset your hands and feet soon tells people that are new to training how to approach the bar and set up to best possible effect.

Another great advantage of EMOM is that the rest period to the end of the minute can be manipulated to be greatly advantageous to building muscles and/or increasing muscular endurance. Increase the number of repetitions to reduce rest for increased muscular endurance. Decrease the number of reps and increase rest to lean more towards increasing muscular hypertrophy (size). Not enough rest could ever be given to work purely on strength (unless you use more than one exercise and manipulate rest times etc.) – I will cover this in a future post.

EMOM can be a very efficient way of training in limited time. Volume and intensity of training is high, rest is relatively low, and the routine of an EMOM workout keeps you focused on training which is very important in making the most of your workout.

Be aware … EMOM can be a liar! It may start out nice and easy but if you calculate it correctly you should be crying to stop by the end of a 10 min cycle. You may need to repeat the process to find your limit for the entire 10 minute workout.

Go get it!…

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