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Weight training is a massively underrated way to lose body fat – you don’t have to become overly muscly either!

Keeping the reps and weight in the correct range while performing steady, controlled and perfectly formed exercises will allow your body to promote the growth of lean muscle mass while burning fat even while you are not in the gym – it doesnt mean you have to look like the hulk.

Increased muscle mass is more calororific for your body to maintain so is ideal for burning fat as it increases your bodies basal metabolic rate = you will be burning more calories, even when sat on the sofa at home!

Combine this with the fact that the type of training undertaken to build muscle will spike your metabolism for up to 72hrs after you leave the gym (while your body recovers from your session) your calories burned will be a lot higher than a 20min, steady state run. This will allow your body to move to your fat stores for energy both during and after exercise, providing our exercise intensity and nutritional intake is closely monitored.


Remember to always maintain perfect form and keep the exercise intensity and number of reps in the correct bracket for what you are trying to achieve.


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