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At Delta Fitness we have tried to bring some aspect of the personal training experience to everybody that wants it with varying degrees of our influence and therefor also price.

We offer:

Blogs for information and to enable people to understand their own training and begin to understand the fundamentals of many different aspects of health and fitness, both the physical and mental aspects.

 Pre-Written Packages that offer a structured layout of how we feel you would best achieve your goals. This is a very cheap option but gives structure to those that want it and this can be offered globally.



We also offer a more systematic, Online Coaching Service. This is a little more hands on from our perspective as we write and adjust our program as you go. You feed us with the info we need in the form of videos and some level of self-analysis so that we can do our job for you and program your training for the best results possible.


If you are local to Delta Fitness and feel you want to take your training that one step further then we also offer a 1-2-1 Personal Training option. This is clearly the most hands on and offers constant and continuous feedback. We train you but we stay in touch between sessions. We offer what we believe to be a great service going above and beyond to keep you on track. Programs written for your own workouts between sessions directly inline with your goals, constant contact and bringing fun with every workout means that adherence to your training program is far more likely. We aim to educate around nutrition so that you can make better, more informed choices for yourself around your ever changing lifestyle.


Have a look at what you think would best suit you and of you have ANY questions then don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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