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⬇️⬇️ Online Coaching Here ⬇️⬇️


We have been working to find the perfect platform so that programs alongside continued video feedback and online check-ins can now be used in one location

Who Benefits From Online Coaching?

Online coaching offers benefits ranging from being able to train with Delta Fitness from across the globe to offering an experience similar to 1-2-1 personal training but at a low cost. We are able to instantly receive, review and return, with annotations for continued progress, workouts that you have performed from the comfort of either your own home or your local gym. The Online coaching packages include:

  1. Data and videos are reviewed on an individual basis so workouts can be personalised*
  2. Reviews of footage are returned with screen shots and information, including exercises on how best to overcome any bumps in the road you may have. This also enables faster progress as we target your bodies specific weak spots*
  3. Programs are NOT, nor have they ever been, on a copy and paste basis. They are adapted to focus on YOUR specific strengths and weaknesses and adaptations are put in such a way that you can understand.
  4. Being coached also grants you access to our private, Delta Fitness PT Facebook page.
  5. Any other questions and queries around your training can also be sent through along with your videos.

Pricing Of Online Coaching


Personalised Programs: £60 per month

The programs are based around YOU and your continued progress. Depending on your goal (which we can discuss at the start of all training) each month period is customised to best suit your needs and your body. You keep your own record of your workouts with your own points on strengths and weaknesses, failed reps, nutrition info etc and feed this back to us come the end of the month. We use this information to adjust the subsequent months training. We focus on what you have fallen short on and how we can work together to make the best of the next period of your training.

Online Coaching with video feedback: £80 per month

The program will be based around the same principle as the ‘Personalised Program’ as above so you will still get a completely personalised experience and the programs will be catered to YOU specifically! Video footage is reviewed on a weekly basis as we update your plan. This allows us to tailor your plan more for better results. This specificity will ensure the best progress towards YOUR goals is made.

Online Coaching With 1 online Check-In A Week: £120 per month

The program will be based around the same principle as the ‘Personalised Program’ as above so you will still get a completely personalised experience and the programs will be catered to YOU specifically! This specificity will ensure the best progress towards YOUR goals is made. A check-in is a specific day/time that you send through ongoing progress along with video footage of workouts etc to us. We review your progress and will advise how to get the best from the subsequent workouts set for yourself. With this package you are able to send through videos twice a week allowing for a better, ongoing measure of your progress. We find that this method allows for the prevention of bad habits and also the quicker forming of perfect form. A fully involved program for those that are looking to eek out every ounce of progress that can be made from their program.

If you wish to work on a basis of reviewing your progress more than 2 times a week for unparalleled progress with alterations to your program then you would be best to get in touch so we can talk about and I can better understand your specific needs and requirements.

If you wish to discuss any of the above in further detail then please just get in touch.

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